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Kathy Norris D.Ir., CCII3

When you know what you are looking at when you look inside the eyes, a beautiful story can unfold. I have always felt that I was here to do more than just something I thought was average.

I wholeheartedly believe we have the power to strengthen and enrich our lives from the detail seen within our eyes. Yes, our eyes, the window to our soul, so to speak. Our eyes have this marvelous display of genetic factors from our biological family that details our physical, nutritional and emotional health. Not only will the eye give us the detail of hereditary factors, but it will also show us our behaviors that are woven into the person genetically or by consciousness.
When I am not seeing clients for personal development, I am constantly teaching and showing other iridologists worldwide how to use essential oils, herbs, food or other natural therapies to enrich their lives and the lives of their clients.

I fell in love with iridology from the moment I opened Dr. Bernard Jensen’s book, Iridology, The Science and Practice in The Healing Arts. After studying with Dr. Jensen, I became a member of IIPA, the International Iridology Practitioners Association, then eventually I was asked to serve on the Board of Directors. I have proudly served since 2009 and today still serve as Current Past President and Instructor Coordinator.
In 2014, I became an instructor for IIPA and in 2018 launched my first iridology textbook, Iridology Fusion Work-text and Systems Companion Guide for students interested in learning the ever-awesome science of iridology.

While iridology may not be the most recognized of natural therapies, it is the most informative at physical genetic blueprinting. When you understand the areas of nurture within the body, mind, and spirit you can regain holistic well-being.

Today, I have the most innovative and insightful iridology practice including online classes bringing new students the latest education in physical, emotional, and behavioral iridology. My mission is to show people another way to view themselves and that is through their own eyes.

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Did You Know?

Did you know our pupils will enlarge when looking at someone we love?

Did you know the pupil is an indicator of problems in the spine?


The pupils of our eyes can tell us so much about our alignment, digestion, mineral levels, and personality.

What do your pupils tell about YOU?



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If you're interested in discovering whether a person's eyes can provide clues about their health, emotions, or behavior, consider scheduling a private iridology session with an IIPA Certified Iridologist. Don't delay; book your appointment today!

Classes are Available

If you're looking to explore an ancient science that has modern-day applications, then you should seriously consider taking Iridology Classes. With this training, you'll acquire the critical skills to diagnose the root causes of health problems and offer natural remedies such as supplements, healthier food choices, and cleaner lifestyle practices that can help promote a healthier lifestyle.

Understanding the art and science of iridology by fusing American and European iridology with behavioral and emotional iridology to see the best in everyone.

Iridology Fusion

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